The Sacred Monkey Forest of Ubud: An Adventure into the Heart of Bali

If you're looking for an unforgettable experience on your next trip to Bali, look no further than the Sacred Monkey Forest in Ubud. This unique 25-acre sanctuary is home to hundreds of long-tailed macaques, and it's a must-visit for anyone who loves animals, nature, and the exotic beauty of Southeast Asia. The main attraction though, of course, is the monkeys! They’re everywhere.


  • Open daily from 8:30 am till 6 pm

  • Entry fee for adults is about 3 USD children about 2.25 USD (2019)

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The Sacred Monkey Forest is located in the heart of Ubud, a vibrant village in central Bali that is famous for its artistic and spiritual community. The forest is filled with lush vegetation, ancient temples, and a network of walking trails that wind through the trees. Visitors can observe the monkeys as they go about their daily lives, playing, grooming, and foraging for food.

One of the most striking things about the Sacred Monkey Forest is the close interaction between the monkeys and visitors. The macaques are used to people, and they are generally very friendly and curious. Visitors are encouraged to interact with the monkeys, but it's important to remember that they are wild animals and should be treated with respect. There are several rules in place to ensure the safety of both visitors and the monkeys, such as not feeding them or touching them without permission.

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In addition to the monkeys, the Sacred Monkey Forest is also home to several ancient temples and shrines that date back hundreds of years. The forest is considered a sacred site by the Balinese people, and the temples are still used for religious ceremonies and festivals. Visitors can explore the temples and admire the intricate carvings, sculptures, and paintings that adorn the walls and ceilings.

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When you visit the Sacred Monkey Forest, be sure to bring your camera and plenty of water. The forest is a photographer's paradise, and the monkeys are some of the most photogenic animals you'll ever see. You'll want to spend plenty of time exploring the trails and admiring the monkeys, so make sure you're prepared for a full day of adventure.

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Whether you're an animal lover, a nature enthusiast, or just looking for a little adventure, this sanctuary offers a glimpse into the heart of Bali and the exotic beauty of Southeast Asia. Don't miss your chance to explore this magical place and meet the monkeys that call it home.


Pura Gede Luhur Batu Ngaus


A Week in Bali