Mexico, Mexico City Chrissi Hernandez Mexico, Mexico City Chrissi Hernandez

Parque Quetzalcóatl: Where Artistry Meets Nature's Serenity

Parque Quetzalcóatl, envisioned by architect Javier Senosiain, invites visitors into a surreal world of organic architecture, adorned with vibrant mosaics that seamlessly blend with the surrounding nature. Its serene ambiance, punctuated by tranquil ponds and towering trees, offers a peaceful escape from the bustling city life, where visitors can immerse themselves in the harmony between art and the environment.

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Mexico, Mexico City Chrissi Hernandez Mexico, Mexico City Chrissi Hernandez

Take A Tour of Casa Pedregal

Built within a lava field in the southern part of Mexico City, Casa Pedregal stands as a testament to the genius of renowned Mexican architect Luis Barragán with it’s bold colors, clean lines, and seamless integration with nature. You can take a tour this private residence.

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Tulum, Mexico Chrissi Hernandez Tulum, Mexico Chrissi Hernandez

City Guide Tulum: A Bohemian Chic Beach Town

Tulum is a boho chic mecca where straw thatched roofs and whimsical jungle treehouses line the coast of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. It’s a place where the smell of frankincense fills the sticky humid air, and the taste of sweet guava and savory lime fills your glasses. In this post, I’ll give you some tips and ideas for your trip to Tulum.

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Mexico, Tulum Chrissi Hernandez Mexico, Tulum Chrissi Hernandez

Explore the Tulum Ruins

The ruins of Tulum aren't as grand as some of the other ancient Mayan temples that have survived the test of time, but they have one amazing thing going for them, the beach they tower over is breathtaking.

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